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Product features
Wearability EN 1307 (commercial normal)
The wearability is determined on the basis of density, hardness,
flammability as well as acoustic and thermal properties. Depending on the
wearability, floor coverings are divided into strains classes that provide
information on possible fields of application.
Flammability EN 13 501 – 1 (CFL-S1)
The European standard defines uniform classes from A (non-flammable, not
for carpets) to F (highly flammable) for the fire behavior of building
materials. Contract areas often require the classes Cfl and Bfl (fl =
flooring). The fire classes B, C and D are divided into classes s1 and s2.
A product in the same fire class performs better with s1, since the smoke
development is lower here than in s2.
Comfort class EN 1307 (LC3)
The comfort value of textile floorings is calculated according to the
European norms on the basis of parameters (weight or thickness of the pile
material used as well as the number of nubs or loops). A higher LC value
(= Luxury Class) means a higher comfort value. The more crowns the symbol
shows, the more luxurious the textile flooring is.
Suitability for chair castors (intensive usage)
Textile floor coverings are extremely strained when using office chairs.
Only extremely robust textile floor coverings are suitable for the use of
chair castors. Due to varying levels of strain, a distinction is made
between the use in the private sector (symbol: chair castor and house) and
the use in the object area (symbol: chair castor).
Suitability for stairs (normal usage)
When using textile floor coverings on stairs, the parts of the carpet that
rest on the edge of a step become extremely stained. Only carpets bearing
one of the two symbols are suitable.
Rated sound absorption coefficient aw
The sound absorption coefficient was determined in accordance with ISO 354 and
indicates how large the absorbed portion of the total incident sound is.
Light fastness ISO 105-B02
The symbol indicates that the textile floor covering meets the basic
requirements for light fastness (>=5, for pastel shades >=4) in accordance
with the test method EN ISO 105-B02.
Footstep absorption improvement coefficient ISO 140-8 DLW
The footstep absorption improvement was determined according to ISO 140-8 DLW.
Basically, all textile floor coverings have excellent sound and footfall
absorption properties.
Thermal permeability ISO 8302
If a textile floor covering is laid on a floor heating, its thermal
permeability should be as small as possible. Usually, the value should be
less than 0.17m²K / W. The symbol indicates that the textile floor
covering can be used in combination with an underfloor heating.
Skid resistance
According to EN 14041, floor coverings must comply with certain safety
aspects, including the slip resistance. To be equipped with the DS symbol,
the textile floor covering must have a dynamic coefficient of frictional
resistance of >0.3 in a dry and unpolluted condition.
Electrostatic loading EN 1815
Particularly contract areas often place higher demands on the electrical
behavior of floor coverings, e.g. in computer rooms. The symbol indicates
whether the textile floor covering is conductive.
Switch to Configurator
GUT Certificate
Since 1992, OBJECT CARPET has been a member of the Community of
Environmentally-Friendly Carpets (GUT), whose aim is to take appropriate
measures to ensure zero-emission carpets during the production process, as
well as an emission-free final product. In order to achieve this
objective, the GuT association examines the manufacturing process and our
products through independent testing institutes.
Tested by TÜV
All OBJECT CARPET floorings are made of allergenic-controlled material,
voluntarily TÜVtested and certified as „suitable for people suffering from
CRI – Green Label Plus
All products of OBJECT CARPET are awarded with the CRI Green Label Plus
certificate. This means that the tested floorings belong to the textile
flooring class of the lowest VOC emissions available on the market and
fulfil the requirements for their use in buildings certified as Green
Label Plus and LEED. Thence it has been proven that all carpet qualities
significantly improve the indoor air quality.
Member of the DGNB
OBJECT CARPET is a member of the German Society for Sustainable Building.
The goal of this association is to promote sustainable and economically
efficient construction. All OBJECT CARPET products meet the requirements
for use in the LEED and DGNB certified buildings and thus contribute to
achieving the legal standards for environmentallyfriendly,
resource-conserving and sustainable construction.
Ecological Product Declarations
The Environmental Product Declaration EPD considers all important stages
in the life of textile flooring: from cradle to factory gate, from factory
gate to end of use, and from end use to end of life. In the carpet’s
lifespan, all sensible recycling possibilities are taken into account and
stated in the EPD.
French VOC-label
All OBJECT CARPET products belong to group A+ in accordance with the
French classifications of emission products.
Suitable for
- Hotel
- Living
- Office
- Public
- Shop
GOOD DESIGN Award 2021
Für seine innovativen Design-Eigenschaften erhielt die Kollektion OBJECT
CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group den begehrten GOOD DESIGN® Award 2021. Der
GOOD DESIGN® Award gilt als ältestes und prestigeträchtiges
Preisverleihungsprogramm der Welt für hochkarätige Designprojekte.
German Design Award 2021
Die neue Kollektion OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group wurde mit dem
begehrten German Design Award für Excellent Product Design in Gold
ausgezeichnet. Unter den zahlreichen Einreichungen hat es OBJECT CARPET
geschafft, mit seinen 8 neuen Qualitäten in 111 Colorits die Jury in der
Kategorie „Material & Surfaces“ zu überzeugen - vor allem punktete die
Kollektion mit außergewöhnlichen Farben und verschiedenen Strukturen.
Best of year Award 2020
Mit dem Best of Year Award 2020 erhält OBJECT CARPET die 4. Auszeichnung
für die neue Kollektion OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group. Der
internationale Designpreis wird von der branchenführenden
Design-Publikation Interior Design ausgelobt und kürte OBJECT CARPET in
der Kategorie „broadloom carpet“ als „Winner“ für Bahnenware. Das Interior
Design Magazin, das von SANDOW seit über 88 Jahren herausgegeben wird, hat
zum 15. Mal die Besten der Branche ausgezeichnet.
materialPREIS 2020
Die neue Kollektion OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group wurde mit dem 1.
Platz in der Kategorie „Design“ beim materialPREIS 2020 prämiert. Der
Preis wird von einer fachkundigen Jury von raumPROBE ausgelobt und für
neue Materialien und Entwicklungen sowie originelle Kompositionen und
Kombinationen vergeben. OBJECT CARPET glänzte mit seiner vielfältigen
Teppichkollektion, die mit zahlreichen Colorits und Oberflächenvariationen
neue Teppichkollektion von der Ippolitio Fleitz Group und OBJECT CARPET
wird in der Disziplin "Produkt" mit dem iF Design Award ausgezeichnet. Der
iF DESIGN AWARD ist seit 1954 einer der wichtigsten Designpreise der Welt
und ein weltweit anerkanntes Markenzeichen für exzellentes Design.
Jährlich werden Produkte in neun Disziplinen ausgezeichnet. Aus 10.000
eingereichten Beiträgen setzte sich die neue Kollektion von OBJECT CARPET
gegen die Konkurrenten durch. Die bewertende Fach-Jury bestand aus 98
unabhängigen Designexperten aus mehr als 20 Ländern.
ADC Award 2021
ADC Award 2021
Corporate Design Preis 2021
OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group receives the CORPORATE DESIGN AWARD
2021, the second international award for the hybrid trade fair concept for
collection presentation. The category "Corporate Staging" honors
particularly innovative design concepts that generate a distinctive brand
atmosphere with elements of corporate design.
Red Dot Award 2021 Digital Solutions
Red Dot Award 2021 Digital Solutions