

Configure your individual carpet, order samples or contact us directly!
Personal advice
Phone: +49 711 34 02-0


The OBJECT CARPET GmbH is a limited liability company with German law headquartered in Denkendorf.


Marie-Curie-Str. 3
73770 Denkendorf
Telephone: +49 (0) 711 / 34 02-0
Fax: +49 (0) 711 / 34 02-155


Daniel Butz, Marc Kaminski

The OBJECT CARPET GmbH is registered in the Trade Register of the District Court Stuttgart under the number HRB 213479.

The VAT identification number of OBJECT CARPET GmbH is DE194495557.


Copyright © 2018
Marie-Curie-Str. 3
73770 Denkendorf

All texts, photos and other items published on the internet website as well as the website itself are subject to – unless otherwise noted – the Copyright of OBJECT CARPET GmbH and are thus protected by law. Any use or utilization, in particular the copying, distribution, storage transfer, sending or other reproduction of the contents needs the advanced written agreement of OBJECT CARPET.


Warning to the contents

The free of charge and freely accessible contents of this website have been created with every possible care. The provider of the website will not take any responsibility for the accuracy and up-to-date nature of the supplied free of charge and freely accessible journalistic advice and news items. All contributions containing the name of the author reflect the opinion of the said author and not necessarily the opinion of the company. 

The access of the free of charge and freely accessible contents does not constitute a contractual obligation between the user and the company, in as far as the legal intention of the company is absent.

External Links

This website contains links to third party websites (external links). These website are the responsibility of the respective operator.

The company has carefully checked the external links by the initial link to the third party websites, as to any legal repercussions. At this point no legal infringements were recognised. The company has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages.

Adding external links does not mean that the company takes ownership of the respective content. A continuous control of the external links is not feasible for the company without references to legal infringements.

However should this knowledge of legal infringements be given, the external links will be immediately deleted. 

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The contents of this website are covered by the German Copyright and Intellectual Property Laws.

Any use or utilization, in particular the copying, processing, translation, distribution, storage transfer, or other reproduction of the contents into other databases or electronic media. Contents and third party rights are noted as such. needs the advanced written agreement of the company or legal representative.

The unauthorized copying or transfer of individual content or whole pages is not allowed and is punishable. Only the reproduction of copies and downloads for personal and non-commercial use is allowed.

The reproduction of this website in someone else’s frames is only allowed with written permission.

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As far as special conditions for individual use of this website depart from the paragraphs above, the specific passage will be exactly referenced. In this case the special rights of use for individual cases will be valid.