For OBJECT CARPET, manufacturing durable and sustainable carpets with a very good life cycle balance has been a matter of course for quite some time. Therefore, it is no surprise that as we are a specialist for carpeted flooring in commercial buildings, we support this year's DGNB special exhibition as their partner under the motto: "Sustainability as a modern standard” at the BAU 2019.
Sustainability is a modern standard!
An exhibition booth with a design based on sustainability aspects, down to the smallest detail - sounds exciting? Yes, it is exciting …but, at the same time, challenging. And this is exactly the task that has been successfully managed by the DGNB at its special exhibition area. They not only waived unnecessary material use, but they have also installed products, as far as possible, which reflect the “circular economy” principle with their specific sustainability features.
In the DGNB specialists’ discussions, the experts always underline how it is important to focus the product design at the people, their health and their well-being - both for their working and living environment. "The main purpose of the educational work is to raise the users’ awareness for the environmental topic. The users should ask for concrete, healthy, alternative solutions. Otherwise, the industry will do nothing!” - complains Mr Peter Bachmann, Managing Director of the Sentinel House Institute. Mr Lars Engelke, OBJECT CARPET’s Managing Director also tells in a small anecdote how, as an apprentice, he tried to make a better carpet which would be both ecologically sustainable and, above all, healthy. But, again and again, mostly for economic reasons, the industry branch met his ideas with indifference: “New carpets should stink”. Only when he started to work for OBJECT CARPET, an owner-managed family, did his visions and beliefs in environmentally friendly, carbon-neutral, and health-safe alternatives become a reality - since this company was interested not only in fulfilling the branch standards but also in optimising them in the sense of the environment, customers and employees.

The last evidence of this is WELLTEX, its latest product development - a healthy and ecological backing for the new generation of SL-tiles. This innovation is a result of intensive development work. The product is especially environmentally friendly due to the use of low-emission recycled materials such as the above-mentioned ECONYL® yarn. By doing without bitumen, latex and PVC, it additionally improves the indoor climate. These are demands which the company makes on itself. The construction branch responds with great interest in the new products. This is demonstrated through a demand for higher quantities. The manufacturers began to understand that the future of their branch will be governed by high-quality floorings that do not leave ecological footprints.
Since its foundation, OBJECT CARPET has been committed to optimising the production processes in order to minimize environmental impact and to continuously improve its products. For the environment, for our customers and for us - both now and in the future.