Shaping Spaces by the New Generation

“Young at heart means to re-invent yourself over and over again. That is why the project "Young. Younger. Forever Young” is so near to my heart,” says the Object Carpet’s CEO, Daniel Butz, enthusiastically. With "Young. Younger. Forever Young", he continued the successful 2006 road show "Forever Young", which was also started in cooperation with AIT. Up-and-coming architect’s offices put the axe to the grind and work out not only emotional, but also sustainable and future-oriented solutions which couple new things with traditional practices and give visions more reliability and stability. Experienced architects, such as Jan Störmer (Stormer, Murphy & Partners), Eike Becker (Eicke Becker_Architekten), Amandus Sattler (Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten), Werner Subai (HPP Architekten) and Hartmut A. Raiser (RaiserLopes Architekten) took over sponsorship for newcomers such as NOA (Network of Architecture), Atelier ST, Jack Be Nimble, Max Otto Zitzelsberger, SCOPE, and Why the Friday and supported them with advice and useful hints. "It was wonderful to see how professional partnerships as well as private connections arise", says Daniel Butz. "With this Roadshow, we have managed to establish a network of different generations, which is incredibly beneficial for all parties involved."
The shows were also top-class and edgy – since OBJECT CARPET not only wants to create textile innovations but also creative spaces to pave the way to the future. This is important because room design tastes and priorities are in a state of constant flux. Open-plan offices require carpet floorings which offer more flexibility in dividing them in different zones. OBJECT CARPET calls such zones “shaping spaces". A wide range of broadloom, SL tiles, and rugs can be combined individually and produce a more vivid room design. The road show impressively demonstrated everything that is possible. The visitors saw how bathrooms, squares, streets, cities, and many other spaces can be designed with the aid of OBJECT CARPET products. How the visions become reality was shown live on stage. Intelligent, controversial, and incredibly vivid – an exciting exchange between experienced architects and emerging youngsters with a variety of new visions and ideas.
The stars of the road shows, of course, were the architects and their designs. But the visitors’ enthusiasm has shown that the new FACTS & INSPIRATIONS collection also has significant star potential. In its development, health and sustainability are the absolute focus. The objective of FACTS & INSPIRATIONS was to develop health-safe carpet floorings. And we have well managed that: all products in the line are completely free of PVC, bitumen and latex. They bear the "Blue Angel” quality seal of the German Federal Environment Agency, and they score big with their TÜV-approved suitability for allergy sufferers, as well as the GuT certification.
"For us it is important to promote the network of generations", says Daniel Butz. "Only if we stay open, develop ourselves further, and stay in motion, can we continue to give fresh impetus to growth. Renewal requires us to cooperate across the generations". This also applies to OBJECT CARPET: "My father and company founder, Roland Butz, has transferred the company’s management to Lars Engelke and myself. Then, our great team created the FACTS & INSPIRATIONS collection”.
The road show participants agree: the event was only the beginning of many wonderful partnerships. We can look forward to the future and visionary projects from ambitious architects. Fortunately, "Young. Younger. Forever young” is a never-ending story.
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LXSY Architekten
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noa* - network of architecture
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Seel Bobsin Partner Design-Konzeptionen
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why the friday
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ORANGE BLU building solutions
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ae'l Architekten
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Jourdan & Müller Steinhauser • PAS
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HPP Architekten
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jack be nimble
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Eike Becker_Architekten
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Brückner & Brückner Architekten
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